Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon + Garfunkel
1: | When you're wEeary fAeeling smEall whAen tDears Aare Ein your Aeyes I will drEy them AallE A E I'm Hon Cmyour sHide oh when times gH9et rEoughE/D# E7and friends jE9ust cAan't bF#e fHound lE7ike E9a brAidge Gdim/Bover trE/Houbled wC7ater AI will lG#7ay me dCmown lE7ike E9a brAidge Gdim/Bover trE/Houbled wC7ater AI will lH9ay mH7e dEownA. E A E A |
2: | When you're down and out when you're on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you I'll take your part oh when darkness comes and pain is all around like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down lE7ike E9a brAidge Gdim/Bover trE/Houbled wCmater AI will lCm/G#ay mG#e dCmown. |
R: | Sail on sEilver girl sail on by yAour tDime hAas cEome to shAine all your drEeams are on their wAayE A sEee hHow thCmey shHine oh if you nEeed a frE/Hiend E7I'm sE9ailing rAight bF#ehHind lE7ike E9a brAidge Gdim/Bover troE/Hubled waCmter AI will Cmease G#your mCmind lE7ike E9a brAidge Gdim/Bover troE/Hubled waCmter AI will G#7ease your mCmind. |
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Datum vytvoření :2014-02-02T20:17:12.579+00:00
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